Therapy for anxiety

Anxiety Treatment in Salt Lake City, UT

Do you frequently experience restlessness, agitation, or an overwhelming sense of worry that things will go wrong? Anxiety has the potential to hinder your achievements at work or school, disrupt family dynamics, strain romantic relationships, and create obstacles in interpersonal interactions.

Key points

  • Individuals experience anxiety in various ways, as it manifests uniquely from person to person.
  • Anxiety tends to respond well to treatment.
  • You can learn to recognize the symptoms of anxiety
  • Choose an effective treatment path for anxiety


Do you frequently struggle with relationship issues, lack of motivation, anxiety, or unease? Do you frequently have invasive thoughts? Do you often feel insecure and wonder what people are thinking of you? Your emotional challenges may be powered by an anxiety disorder. Fortunately, anxiety often responds well to treatment.

Anxiety is extremely common

More than one in five US individuals between the ages of 18 and 60 reported having an anxiety condition within the previous year, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.

Anxiety was becoming more prevalent even before Covid-19. The epidemic just amplified this secular long-term tendency. Psychologists and social workers observed an increase in the severity and frequency of emotional challenges both before and during the epidemic. In fact, the University of Vermont’s “Hedonometer” measured the lowest level of human happiness ever noted in the United States.

Modern life creates a perfect storm for anxiety. Working from home, engaging in fewer social interactions, spending less time with friends and family, spending less time outdoors, and spending an increased amount of time in front of the television are all factors that contribute to the rise in anxiety. An increasing number of people are experiencing burnout and having trouble managing their stress. Some individuals use alcohol as a form of self-medication or engage in other unhealthy habits.

Anxiety levels, once elevated, tend to stay high or get higher

Everyone is hard-wired to react to anxiety. Anxiety aids in our ability to respond to a challenge when our brain detects dangers, such as a bear appearing out of the woods or an oncoming speeding car. We rush to the gate if we think we could miss a flight. We experience an extra burst of energy when we have a deadline to meet at work.

When we don’t respond effectively to an anxiety trigger, or if the trigger persists over time, we can get stuck in stress-induced mental pathways. Even after the initial trigger has passed, we can establish detrimental strategies for coping that cause us to feel anxiety even after the initial trigger has passed.

Types of anxiety disorders

Anxiety can manifest itself in various ways in different people and at various points in a person’s life. Anxiety-related disorders include phobias, panic attacks, social anxiety, and generalized anxiety disorder.


Your symptoms may depend on the specific anxiety disorder that you experience.

Social anxiety can make it difficult for you to speak up at work or school, participate in social situations, or even have trouble leaving the house.

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) usually persistent feelings of anxiety or dread. Other symptoms include feeling on edge or restless, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, difficulty sleeping, irritability, headaches, muscle aches, stomachaches, or other pain without a clear source.

Panic attacks may include experiencing accelerated heart rate, sweating, trembling, chest pain, or feeling out of control.

Phobias — an intense fear that is out of proportion to the actual danger posed by the object or the situation. Some examples of phobias include fear of flying, heights, or being in an enclosed space.

Causes and risk factors

The likelihood of getting an anxiety disorder is influenced by both hereditary and environmental factors. It is more probable that you will struggle to manage your anxiety if you are exposed to stressful life or environmental situations, or if you have a family history of anxiety, and/or history with other mental health challenges in your family.

Certain physical issues, such as thyroid disorders and heart arrhythmias, are associated with an increased risk for anxiety disorders. High doses of caffeine or substance abuse can increase the likelihood of anxiety.

Treatment for anxiety

Psychotherapy or “talk therapy” is frequently effective for anxiety problems. Psychotherapy needs to be tailored to your unique experience in order to be successful. With the right choice of therapist and therapy approach, you can restore balance in your life. You can live a more calm and more content life. You can be more present and live a fuller, more meaningful life.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) teaches individuals alternative ways of thinking, responding, and reacting to situations in order to reduce anxiety and fear. CBT has been extensively researched. Click here to read more about CBT with Dr. Robinson.

Exposure therapy is a CBT technique for the treatment of anxiety disorders. In order to help people engage in things they have been avoiding, exposure therapy focuses on addressing the anxieties that underlie an anxiety condition. Sometimes, exposure treatment is combined with relaxation exercises.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) employs mindfulness, goal-setting, and other strategies to alleviate discomfort and anxiety.

Medication can help support healthy lifestyle changes. You might discover that taking medicine helps you stabilize your mood, function better at work and at home, and start taking better care of yourself. Medication is often a complement to psychotherapy and holistic care, reinforcing your ability to stick to healthy sleep, nutrition, and exercise routines.

Creating a more supportive society

Removing the stigma associated with seeking help for anxiety is crucial in promoting mental well-being and fostering a healthier society. It is essential to recognize that anxiety is a common human experience and seeking support is a sign of strength and self-awareness. By creating an environment where individuals feel comfortable discussing their struggles with anxiety, we can normalize the concept of seeking professional help or talking to trusted friends and family.

Encouraging open conversations about mental health, providing accurate information, and educating people about anxiety disorders can go a long way in dismantling the stigma. Together, we can build a compassionate and inclusive society that supports and empowers individuals to prioritize their mental health and seek the assistance they need to overcome anxiety.

Reach out today

Cottonwood Family Therapy, led by Dr. Kristin Robinson, specializes in the treatment of anxiety and mood disorders for teens, adults, and parents in Utah.

Reach out today to schedule your initial consultation. In-person therapy is available in Cottonwood Heights and online therapy is available to all Utah residents.

More information

Anxiety Disorder. National Institute of Mental Health.

Henning, M., Subic-Wrana, C., Wiltink, J., & Beutel, M. (2020). Anxiety Disorders in Patients With Somatic Diseases. Psychosomatic Medicine.

Nelson, H., Cantor, A., Pappas, M., & Weeks, C. (2020). Screening for Anxiety in Adolescent and Adult Women. Annals of Internal Medicine.

What’s the difference between stress and anxiety? American Psychological Association.

Get in touch

Cottonwood Family Therapy, led by Dr. Kristin Robinson, offers effective therapy for depression, anxiety, burnout, and other mental health challenges. Reach out today to learn more about Dr. Robinson’s services.

Online therapy is available everywhere in Utah.

Kristin Robinson

Address: 7069 S. Highland Dr. #100, Cottonwood Heights, Ut 84121

Telephone: ✆ 801-382-9197

Email: [email protected]

Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm

Psychology Today


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